Uncomfortable situations happen in marriage. L O L both funny a n d AWKWARD, both internal and external.
In fact, I dealt with an external situation 7 months removed from the ordeal that involved protecting the purity of my marriage, a request was made that caused my husband to be uncomfortable would no longer happen with someone I considered a friend. No hard feelings was to be shared and it is just what happens in marriage..I am sure my example is soo small from the many awkward external or internal situations that can happen in marriage.
But today I am sharing a hot budding question, because the Bible has instructed me to guard my home, as my husband follows God and leads our home. In guarding my home I am responsible for the purity of my husband. Don’t get me wrong, I am not my husband’s god, so I don’t police him in his quest for purity to keep his eyes only for me, to be physically intimate with just me etc., but I am to initiate sex as part of my duty as his wife, and when he wants pleasure I am to consent as long as I am able, or a mutual understanding is reached anytime we are to abstain from each other.[ 1 Corinthians 7:5 ]
What is the question? I actually asked my Instagram followers, haha and this was the result of the survey:
Can a married couple, a husband and wife [adding in a Christian Context] speak swear words while making love or even listen to music that includes swear words?
A quick story.
When we first got married (first month in marriage) we had talked about and prayed about our coming together the first night during courtship, as many couples who choose to obey God’s commandments and abstain from sex before marriage. We had read one of our favorite books on sexual intimacy mentioned in our blog HERE. So we felt ready by Gods Grace and excited to share each other physically..
Nothing wrong with another person giving GODLY advice, but I was asked by a family member who was a believer in Christ if I felt swearing was ok during sex, I said I guess it is. I reached this conclusion from my distorted views of my sexual past full of sin filled movies, a short stint of watching porn, and listening to lust filled Music before I became born again; she said yes she agreed she feels it’s ok.
“I said I guess it is..from my distorted views of my sexual past full of sin filled movies, a short stint of watching porn”
So, because she was older and had more years in marriage I thought she knew the business! So armed with this info my husband and I are making Love and I cursed, nothing is said and I do it again .. in the same session, my husband after we had finished and relaxed after our climax’s, he in love said ““honey I don’t believe it’s ok to curse/swear while making love. We are engaging in an act of worship, a sacred time, each time,even if its multiple times a day this is a gift from God and an holy time before God, you excite me, the act excites me”
I was like wow I knew that, I knew in my mind that sex in a Christian marriage was an Act OF Worship, but it just clicked now that I was married and finally engaging in the act. This was my awesome man from day one set the mood by playing gospel/Worship music and being gentle and making me feel comfortable from our first night married together!
I then looked at scripture:
Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear. Ephesians 4:29
Obscene stories, foolish talk, and coarse jokes—these are not for you. Instead, let there be thankfulness to God. Ephesians 5:4
But those things which proceed out of the mouth come forth from the heart; and they defile the man. Mathew 15:18
“honey I don’t believe it’s ok to curse/swear while making love. We are engaging in an act of worship, a sacred time, each time,even if its multiple times a day this is a gift from God and an holy time before God, you excite me, the act excites me”
This was a H E A R T matter above all. When I have a heart set right before God, free of external pollutions aside from the Word of God the Bible, curse-words won’t come out of my mouth at ANYTIME including making love to my husband.
•GOD has been doing Awesome things in my life and my family’s life. This blog took some time to Birth because of all that is going on but God is birthing something exciting from me Janet, it will be available on this website first so make sure you are subscribed or following us on our social media to get updates first on its release!
• Next blog will be the top things I loved using from newborn to one year old, great for hopefully moms, and expecting moms😄
In His Love,